miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

My Favourite Photograph

My favorite photo is this selfie that my girlfriend took us on a sunny afternoon in Comic's Park, in San Miguel, five months ago.  In this picture, appear my girlfriend Barbara and me on a romantic gesture. This photograph was taken on March near our second anniversary of relationship. I love this picture because is a cute representation of our love, and it was taken in an important date of our relationship, and I like the kiss that I gave my girlfriend, and because she looks pretty too.

My girlfriend and I have a relationship of two years and five months, time in that we have known, we had found similar tastes, and enjoy our company each moment that we are together. We met four years ago, thanks to a cousin of mine who was her friend and classmate. After we met, we started dating, and we start our relationship on March of 2013.

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