miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

The Last Entry

Hi everyone, this is my last entrance in this blog, and I will talk you about activities form Unit 5 to Unit 8 of plataforma.uchile. These were difficult activities about stereotypes, education and jobs. The most difficult activities to me were from Unit 5: Gender Roles and Stereotypes, with very complicated vocabulary. The easiest activities were from Unit 6: Challenges of Education. It was a very interesting activity for me because he measured my true level of English and I found that I'm not so bad for the course in which I am. This would be all in this blog, thank you to all my classmates and miss and good luck to all.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Activities in plataforma.uchile

Hello everybody, today I’m going to evaluate activities form plataforma.uchile. I think that was a useful activity for the course. My favorite activity is complete the sentences, because It is easy for me, but the most difficult activity was the listening, because I can hardly hear with hearing headphones. This semester, I was complicate with the listening and speaking activities, because I never developed those skills. So, to improve it, I watch movies and videos only in English language. I hope to improve those skills in the future to live abroad.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Final Opinios About Blog Sessions of English III

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk you about my personal experience this semester about writing a blog to the English class.

First, I consider that this activity is a very good exercise to practice the writing and reading, as well as help with the notes for the English course III. I feel it has been good experience write about personal experiences about different topics, giving my own opinion, searching information, learning vocabulary, and knowing experiences and opinions of my classmates these months.

Second, I would like see in the future more blog sessions per semester, with a high demand of diverse topics that we can choose to write in each session; I would like see too a link with other courses of the curriculum, in order to engage the course with the career that we are studying. In example, include political topics, management issues, Social Sciences. Include some research about these topics, would be a good experience to the blogs sessions, and would help us to acquire more vocabulary, investigate and learn about specific issues of Public Administration.

Finally, to summarize I loved this experience, I enjoyed write about the topics that the teacher gave us this good semester.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Fast Food

Today, I’m going to talk you about fast food and my preferences about this type of food. First, I like this food because they are very tasty and satiate your appetite, although they are not healthy. My favorite place to eat burgers is “Burger King”, because the burgers are delicious, the attention is nice and the place is very clean, and accompaniment (fries, cheese dumplings and onion rings) are more exquisite than other places, perhaps because it is the only place I know of that sells this accompaniment. In general, the fast food is tasty in most places where I know they sell, so I could not tell which place is worse in terms of these foods.

I like eat fast food at least once a week, maximum two, and rarely three, I like to vary between burgers and pizza; mainly in “Burger King” and “Telepizza”, near of my apartment in San Miguel. My favorite burger is called Whopper Extreme, in Burger King, and my favorite pizza is with pepperoni, black olives and mushrooms, accompanied with drink and garlic sticks.

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

My Favourite Photograph

My favorite photo is this selfie that my girlfriend took us on a sunny afternoon in Comic's Park, in San Miguel, five months ago.  In this picture, appear my girlfriend Barbara and me on a romantic gesture. This photograph was taken on March near our second anniversary of relationship. I love this picture because is a cute representation of our love, and it was taken in an important date of our relationship, and I like the kiss that I gave my girlfriend, and because she looks pretty too.

My girlfriend and I have a relationship of two years and five months, time in that we have known, we had found similar tastes, and enjoy our company each moment that we are together. We met four years ago, thanks to a cousin of mine who was her friend and classmate. After we met, we started dating, and we start our relationship on March of 2013.

Rock, my favourite music

The type of music that I love listen is the rock, mainly of 70s, this because the sound of electric guitar with the bass and drums is perfect for me. I started to listen this Kind of music approximately 15 years ago.
In personal, the bands I prefer are Pink Floyd, and his masterpiece: The Wall, Queen, Iron Maiden; among others.

From its earliest beginnings of rock music it has been associated with rebellion against social and political norms, which was most obvious in the rejection in the early rock and roll towards culture dominated by adults. The rejection of the counterculture towards consumerism and conformism and punk rejection of all forms of social convention, can be seen as a form of commercial exploitation of these ideas and a way to distract the youth of political action, social and environmental.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My laptop.

One of the things most helpful to me is my personal computer. I use it for everything, study, tasks, play videogames, write, read books, watch movies, and check my e-mail and other things.
I got my current computer three years ago, and I love it: I bought it in the winter of 2012. I have all my important photos, my university documents, including both university careers that I’ve studied. I think that the valor of this technology is that it is useful for many things. I use my device at least three hours a day or more when I have to work in it.

I like this device because it a great tool of work and a great gaming platform. My life without this technology would be very complex because most of important things of my studies and my personal life.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

My Own Presentation.

Hi, I’m Franco Eduardo Saavedra Piña; I am a student of second year of Public Administration at Universidad de Chile. I was born on August 8th, 1991 in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua. My parents are Eduardo Saavedra and Lucía Piña. I have a younger brother named Cristobal Saavedra; he is 13 years old and he study at Colegio El Salvador. I lived my childhood in Millahue, near of San Vicente. I spent my elementary school in Millahue & Viña Tagua Tagua schools. I completed my high school at Colegio El Salvador, in San Vicente. In 2010 I started my first University career, Biotechnology Engineering at Andres Bello University; I was in this career for three and a half years. In 2014, I changed to Public Administration at Universidad de Chile. My hobbies are read books and share drinks with friends. I don’t like be a lazy guy.